Article: Underwater World

Underwater World
If I could grow gills and spend half my life underwater I would.
Part of the reason we moved to Port Douglas was to be on the doorstep of the Great Barrier Reef and the take every opportunity to explore it.
2020 wasn't the easiest year to get out on the water but there have been a few chances and we’ve taken them.
The main reason is from an inspiration perspective. When you spend a good deal of time painting turtles its a good idea to know what they are like in-real life too.
My favourite spot for turtle encounters is the Low Isles about half an hour off Port Douglas. It is a coral Caye (sand-bar island) with a little lighthouse and a large population of green and hawksbill turtles that call it home. It is almost impossible to snorkel here for half an hour and not see one if you are looking.
With an ample supply of food and comfy spots for naps they let you get super close and are often just as interested in the underwater camera as we are getting it close to them.
I am looking forward to documenting a few of these recent encounters in an upcoming range, keep your turtles eyes peeled.